• Abou Amara Photo Portrait

    Abou B. Amara

    Abou B. Amara, Jr. is an attorney, legal and political analyst, and sought-after speaker across Minnesota media. Currently, Mr. Amara is an attorney at Gustafson Gluek PLLC. Mr. Amara previously clerked on the Minnesota Supreme Court and, last year, was named the 2022 Outstanding Lawyer of the Year by the Minnesota State Bar Association. Mr. Amara is also the Vice President of the Minnesota Association of Black Lawyers.

    Prior to entering legal practice, Mr. Amara worked for nearly a decade in a variety of public affairs capacities, including in Congress, the Minnesota State Legislature, and in Minneapolis City Hall. In 2014, Mr. Amara was named by Twin Cities Business Magazine to its notable "100 Minnesotans to Know" List and honored as a "Shaper of the Future" by the publication.

    In addition, Mr. Amara has played a critical role in Minnesota media. He is a frequent legal and political analyst across Minnesota media, including WCCO-TV, WCCO Radio, KARE 11-TV, Twin Cities Public Television, Minnesota Public Radio, and the Star Tribune, providing insight and analysis on some of Minnesota's biggest headlines, including the criminal trial and conviction of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, the 2022 Midterm Elections, and the 2021 Minneapolis and Saint Paul Municipal Elections.

The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Breakfast is a fundraiser to benefit UNCF Twin Cities MLK Legacy Scholarship Fund helping local students of color get to and go through college.


Black and white photograph of a happy family hugging and congratulating a graduating male dressed in cap and gown.


Invest your time or money in better futures for young people in Minnesota. Proceeds benefit UNCF Twin Cities in helping local students of color get to and go through college.