Keynote Speaker: Valerie Jarrett, CEO, Barack Obama Foundation
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
Moderator: Abou Amara
UNCF Remarks: Laverne McCartney Knighton, Area Development Director, UNCF
Chair: Kenneth Edwards, Director of Innovation Technology, and Quality, General Mills
Special Guest Performer: Nunnabove, TKO Drumline and Knockout Dance Team
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Watch Recording: https://www.replaygeneralmills.com/media/2023%20MK%20Breakfast%20Celebration/1_twcpg1q8
“We shall overcome because the arc of a moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
Keynote Speaker: Laura Coates, CNN Host and Senior Legal Analyst, Constitutional
Expert and Author
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
Moderator: Angela Davis
MC: H. Adam Harris
UNCF Remarks: Laverne McCartney Knighton, Area Development Director, UNCF
Chair: Ebony Wyatt, Sales Director, General Mills
Special Guest Performer: KNOWN, MPLS
Location: Virtual with performances from The Capri North Minneapolis, Performance Art Theatre
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Bernice A. King and Ambassador Andrew J. Young
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: H. Adam Harris
UNCF Remarks: Dr. Michael L. Lomax
Welcome/General Mills: Chris Majors, General Mills, FSQ Director
Chair: Chris Majors
Special Guest Performer: Billy Steele and the Fellowship Missionary Baptist Choir
Location: Virtual
Attendance: 6000
RISE UP: Standing Together for Positive Change
Keynote Speaker: The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., 82nd Attorney General of the United States (2009-2015); Partner, Covington & Burling LLP.
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Aiesha Dempster
UNCF Remarks: Dr. Michael L. Lomax
Welcome/General Mills: Aiesha Dempster, General Mills, External Supply Chain Sourcing Director
Chair: Aiesha Dempster
Special Guest Performer: Jovanta Patton, SHAPESHIFT
Location: The Armory
Attendance: 2400
DOING FOR OTHERS: A Call to Social Action
Keynote Speaker: Don Lemon, Journalist, Author and host of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon.
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Ugo Ukabam
UNCF Remarks: Dr. Michael L. Lomax
Welcome/General Mills: Ugo Ukabam, General Mills, Sr. Counsel, Employment Law
Chair: Ugo Ukabam
Special Guest Performer: Sounds of Blackness
Location: The Armory
Attendance: 2400
Building Bridges for a Bold Dream
Keynote Speaker: David Oyelowo, a British-Nigerian actor and producer.
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: James Momon
UNCF Remarks: Dr. Michael L. Lomax
Welcome/General Mills: James Momon, General Mills, Director Global Diversity & Inclusion, Human Resources
Chair: James Momon
Special Guest Performer: Sounds of Blackness
Location: The Armory
Attendance: 2400
The Time Is Always Right To Do What Is Right
Keynote Speaker: Myrlie Evers-Williams, author and civil rights activist. Evers-Williams was the wife of murdered civil rights activist Medgar Evers.
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Steve Mayle
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Kim Nelson, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Steve Mayle
Ministers: Pastor Nicole Bullock
Special Guest Performer: Vocal Essence
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Civil & Right
Keynote Speaker: Deval Patrick, governor, Harvard graduate, and Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Donzel Leggett
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Kim Nelson, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Donzel Leggett
Ministers: Imam Makram El-Amin, Masjid An-Nur; Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman, Temple Israel; Rev. Laurel Bunker, Bethel University
Special Guest Performer: Steven Daniels
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Infinite Hope, Meaningful Action
Keynote Speaker: Vernon Jordan, civil rights leader, presidential adviser, attorney and senior managing director of Lazard, Frères & Co. LLC
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Donzel Leggett
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Kim Nelson, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Donzel Leggett
Ministers: Imam Makram El-Amin, Masjid An-Nur; Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman, Temple Israel; Rev. Laurel Bunker, Bethel University
Special Guest Performer: Yolanda Adams
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Reimagine the Future
Keynote Speaker: Speaker: Donna Brazile, Veteran Democratic political strategist and commentator, author and adjunct professor
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Tiffanie Boyd
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Tiffanie Boyd
Minister: Rev. Steve Daniels, Jr. , Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Special Guest Performer: Darnell Davis and the Remnant
Performance: Warren C. Bowles, actor, director and writer; the MacPhail Community Youth Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Education: The Fierce Urgency of Now
Keynote Speaker: Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund
Special Guest: Michael L. Lomax Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of UNCF
MC: Martin Abrams
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Martin Abrams
Minister: Rev. James C. Thomas, Mount Olivet Baptist Church
Special Guest Performer: Ann Nesby
Music: Greater Praise, Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1902
Building Peace and Unity within the Global Community
Keynote Speaker: Naomi TuTu, Global human rights activist
MC: Kofi Bruce
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Kofi Bruce
Minister: Rev. Gloria Roach Thomas, Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church
Music: The Steeles
Performance: Walker West Music Academy
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1902
The Dream: Rejoice, Reclaim, Renew Community
Keynote Speaker: Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
Special Guest: Dr. Michael L. Lomax, President and CEO, UNCF
MC: Cheryl Bethune
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Cheryl Bethune
Minister: Rev. Dwight Seawood, Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Music: Paris Bennett
Performance: Steppingstone Theatre
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1911
Dream from the Mountaintop: Share the Legacy, Shape the Future
Keynote Speaker: Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery
Special Guest: Dr. Michael L. Lomax, President and CEO, UNCF
MC: Humphrey Otita
Welcome/UNCF: Sharon Smith-Akinsanya
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Humphrey Otita
Minister: Pastor Dennis M. Oglesby, Jr., The Park Avenue United Methodist Church
Music: The Ladies of Jazz Project, High School for the Recording Arts
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Because of his Dream, I can Lead, Grow, Inspire
Keynote Speaker: General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret)
MC: Kelly Baker
Welcome/UNCF: Deborah Tansil Graham
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Goldberg Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Kelly Baker
Minister: Rev. Efrem Smith, Sanctuary Covenant Church
Music: Steven Daniels and Young Voices
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1980
Answering the Call
Keynote Speaker: Charlayne Hunter-Gault
MC: Angela Davis
Welcome/UNCF: Deborah Tansil Graham
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Kenneth Charles
Minister: Rev. Aaron Felty
Music: Gregory Washington & Voices of Praise/Melinda Doolittle
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1970
Children of the Dream: Building Community Through Commitment
Keynote Speaker: Roslyn McCallister Brock
MC: Robyne Robinson
Welcome/UNCF: Deborah Tansil Graham
Welcome/General Mills: Ellen Luger, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Denise Holloman
Minister: Reverend Byron Moore, St. James AME Church
Music: 4Given
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1990
Honoring the Legacy of a Servant
Keynote Speaker: Congressman John Lewis
MC: Rev. Alfred Babington-Johnson
Welcome/UNCF: Henry Crosby
Welcome/General Mills: Chris Shea, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Anton Vincent
Minister: Reverend Lurah Bean, Fellowship Missionary Baptist
Music: Steven Daniels and the Shiloh Baptist Church Gospel Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1980
Strong Minds, Great Hearts, Ready Hands, & True Faith...Remember the Dream
Keynote Speaker: Juan WIlliams
MC: T. Michael Rambo
Welcome/UNCF: Henry Crosby
Welcome/General Mills: Chris Shea, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Curtis Bell
Minister: Pastor Stephanie Bond, Spirit and Truth Worship Center
Music: Excelsior Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Strength to Love, Courage to Change
Keynote: Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
MC: T. Michael Rambo
Welcome/UNCF: Henry Crosby
Welcome/General Mills: Chris Shea, General Mills Foundation
Chair: CeLois Steele
Minister: Rev. Jerry McAfee, New Salem Baptist Church
Music: Sounds of Blackness
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
World Peace...It's in the Dream
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Ruth J. Simmons
MC: Jearlyn Steele
Welcome/UNCF: Henry Crosby
Welcome/General Mills: Chris Shea, General Mills Foundation
Chair: Anthony Scott
Minister: Rev. Albert GaIlmon, Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church
Music: Twin Cities Freedom Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 1950
Lift Every Voice
Keynote Speaker: Julian Bond
MC: Jearlyn Steele
Welcome/UNCF: Tiffany Slemmons
Welcome/General Mills: Karlene Silvera
Chair: Karlene Silvera
Minister: Rev. Alfred Babington-Johnson
Music: Twin Cities Community Gospel Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 2200
View from the Mountain Top
Keynote Speaker: Jesse Jackson, Jr.
MC: Harris Faulkner, KSTP TV
Welcome/UNCF: Tiffany Slemmons
Welcome/General Mills: Clayton Wiley, Jr.
Chair: Clayton Wiley, Jr.
Minister: Rev. Albert Gailmon
Music: Moore by Four, Twin Cities Mass Choir
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Attendance: 2137
The Message, The Movement, The Mission
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Cornel West
MC: Roxane Battle, Morning Show Host, KARE-11
Welcome/UNCF: Vance Opperman, Key Investment
Welcome/General Mills: Steve Sanger, CEO of General Mills
Chair: Darren Harmon
Minister: Rev. Thomas
Music: The Steeles, the Girls Choir of Harlem
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1945
Equality Begins with a Dream
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
MC: Freddie Bell, Solid Gold Soul, 950 AM
Welcome/UNCF: Tiffany Slemmons, Jim Smiley, US West
Welcome/General Mills: Austin Sullivan, Senior VP of Corporate Relations
Chair: Debra Spears
Minister: Rev. Vapordeel Sanders
Music: Excelsior Choral Ensemble
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1971
It Takes a Nation to Raise His Dream
Keynote Speaker: Martin Luther King, III
MC: Dr. Carol Johnson, Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools
Welcome/UNCF: Gregory G. Cunningham, Eric Watson, St. Paul Company
Welcome/General Mills: Steve Sanger, CEO of General Mills
Chair: Gerry Fernandez
Minister: Rev. Randy Morrison
Music: Big Jim and Group
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1900
Living His Dream, Today and Everyday
Keynote: Ambassador Andrew Young
MC: Lou Bellamy, Artistic Director for Penumbra Theatre
Welcome/UNCF: Lawrence Pearlman, Chairman, President and CEO of Ceridian Corporation
Welcome/General Mills: Mike Peel
Chair: Darrel Gradford
Minister: Janet Johnson
Music: Speak The Word
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1850
His Dream, Our Challenge, Their Future
Keynote Speaker: Yolanda King
MC: Jayne Khalifa, Operations Director for the Office of Secretary of State
Welcome/UNCF: John F. Grundhofer, President, Chairman and CEO of First Bank Systems
Welcome/General Mills: Austin Sullivan
Chair: Sean Walker
Minister: Reverend Richard Coleman, St. Peters AME Church
Music: City Songs
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1850
His Dream Woke Up The World
Keynote Speaker: Harry Belafonte
MC: Alfred Babbington-Johnson, CEO of The Stairstep Foundation
Welcome/UNCF: Ron James, CEO of US West Communication
Welcome/General Mills: Leslie Frecon
Chair: (Suzanne FuIler-Terrill
Minister: Dr. Willa Grant Battle, Grace Temple Deliverance
Music: Rakia
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1850
Non-Violence: A Discipline of Change
Keynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery
MC: Darryl Savage, Former Education Reporter, WCCO
Welcome/UNCF: Eddie Phillips, Phillip Beverage
Welcome/General Mills: R.C. King
Chair: Marc Belton
Minister: Pastor Mac Hammond, Living Word Christian Center
Music: The Voices of Praise, Mount Olivet Missionary Baptist Church
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1800
Come Together as One
Keynote Speaker: Della Reese
MC: Robyn Robinson, Anchor, KMSP-TV
Welcome/UNCF: Jim Howard, NSP
Welcome/General Mills: T.P. Nelson
Chair: Marc Belton
Minister: Father Arnold Weber, Holy Name Catholic Church
Music: J.D. Steele & The Voices of Praise
Location: Minneapolis Hilton & Towers
Attendance: 1300
Celebrate The Dream
Keynote Speaker: Alex Haley
MC: James Brown, CBS Sports
Welcome/UNCF: T. Green
Welcome/General Mills: R.C. King
Chair: John Cooper
Minister: Rev. Dr. Earl F. Miller Pilgrim Baptist Church
Music: Special Ministry Ensemble, Zion Baptist Church
Location: Marriott City Center
Attendance: 1100
This Will Be The Day
Keynote Speaker: Cicely Tyson
MC: Don Shelby, Anchor, WCCO-T
Welcome/UNCF: T. Green
Welcome/General Mills: R.C. King
Chair: John Cooper
Minister: Rev. Stephen Cornils, Central Lutheran Church
Music: Sanford Moore, Yolanda Bruce
Location: Marriott City Center
Attendance: 800
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.
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